Zombie Properties Create Issues for Neighborhoods across the Country
Zombie Properties Create Issues for Neighborhoods across the Country
Recently we’ve all become somewhat obsessed with what’s known as “zombie culture”. Popular m (more…)
Recently we’ve all become somewhat obsessed with what’s known as “zombie culture”. Popular m (more…)
Pranks are just about as old as human history. From slapstick schemes to senior pranks, there are pr (more…)
The City of Palo Alto, California recently passed an ordinance that will make it a crime to sleep in (more…)
It seems like every year, criminals invent new ways of taking advantage of unsuspecting victims in o (more…)
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued an “Impact Assessment” on Border Searches o (more…)
3-D technology may be enough to trigger major changes in the area of gun control and firearms law. (more…)
Almost immediately after the Aurora shooting, people began questioning whether we need stricter gun (more…)
The use of forensic animation evidence should be limited to substantive animations, wherein the sequ (more…)
The Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts is pushing a pilot program involving 14 different court (more…)
Legal analysts suspect two distinct factors that may be linked to the increase in wage and hour clai (more…)