Law Blog

Why Is It Important for Clients Not to Talk About Their Case With Anyone Other Than Their Attorneys?

Social media has made it easier than ever to reach a wide audience. However, not all communication is worthwhile and such communication may be particularly damaging in a lawsuit. Attorneys often advise their client to limit their communications about a case solely to the attorney and their staff. Not every client listens to this sage advice though and there are many high profile defendants today who seem obsessed with discussing their cases with the entire world.  

 The average client though is not wealthy or famous. As such, the average client should keep their opinions about their case to themselves until the lawsuit is over. Otherwise, they may run the risk of the following consequences:  

Attorney Client Privilege – Any conversations outside the presence of a client’s attorney is outside the protection of the attorney client privilege. This means that anyone involved in the conversation could be called to court to testify about the conversation. If the client has any information that he or she wants to keep secret, that information could potentially be discovered by adverse parties and disclosed to the court.  

Of course, the general rule is subject to any exceptions. Clients may want to talk with non-attorneys about their case for public relations purposes or compelled legal testimony. Be sure to consult with an attorney to determine the best communications strategy for your case.  

Do I Need a Criminal Defense Lawyer?  

A criminal defense attorney can help you build your case can represent you during all the phases of a murder or manslaughter trial. The emotional benefits include some sense of relief that your attorney is on your side.