DOMA Being Fought on One More Front: Veterans' Court of Appeals
DOMA Being Fought on One More Front: Veterans' Court of Appeals
It seems fairly likely that the Supreme Court will hold DOMA unconstitutional to the extent that it (more…)
It seems fairly likely that the Supreme Court will hold DOMA unconstitutional to the extent that it (more…)
A business started by one of the spouses prior to the marriage is by far the most valuable asset own (more…)
Same-sex couples from all over the country may end up traveling to New York in order to get married; (more…)
In the U.S., virtually all aspects of family law, including the decision to recognize same-sex marri (more…)
No-fault divorce has not “trivialized” marriage, so much as knocked it off its pedestal, leading (more…)
Regardless of whether you think transgender people should be allowed to get married, you should stil (more…)
Why would a straight couple want to enter a civil union instead of a marriage? Well, there are many (more…)
Although the no-fault law makes divorce somewhat easy, all those small little spousal maintenance de (more…)
If a same-sex couple gets married in a state that recognizes such unions, what happens if they move (more…)
The court found that California had absolutely no reason to deny marriage to same-sex couples. The f (more…)