Video Games Now Officially Protected Under the First Amendment
Video Games Now Officially Protected Under the First Amendment
Hopefully, this leads to a new approach in examining restrictions on speech – focusing less on the (more…)
Hopefully, this leads to a new approach in examining restrictions on speech – focusing less on the (more…)
While I almost always come down on the side of free speech, I also recognize that there is a right t (more…)
Courts have repeatedly held that jurors are allowed to engage in jury nullification without any repe (more…)
What might not be punishable is the content of their hateful white supremacist graffiti which, as di (more…)
In this case, like it or not, the Phelps Westboro clan is commenting on a matter of public concern ( (more…)
While laws requiring businesses to disclose purely factual information are highly permissible, the w (more…)
Personally, I think that if the Citizen Participation Act can prevent deep-pocketed plaintiffs from (more…)
2nd Circuit Court of Appeals recently found some of New York’s rules concerning attorney advertisi (more…)
These protestors will probably be hurting the students far more than they hurt Professor Yoo, and it (more…)
The Supreme Court recently decided Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission, which allows cor (more…)