Texas Prison Riot Is a Reminder That Prisoners Have Rights, Too
Texas Prison Riot Is a Reminder That Prisoners Have Rights, Too
When we hear a story about an inmate rebellion, a massive protest that takes over the whole or a sec (more…)
When we hear a story about an inmate rebellion, a massive protest that takes over the whole or a sec (more…)
February 2nd marked the anniversary of Chris Kyle’s death. Legendary Navy SEAL sniper was murdered (more…)
With so many recent cases of white cop vs. black man, the country has erupted into protests demandin (more…)
In July 2013, a SWAT team descended upon Cornealious Anderson’s house. Anderson was handcuffed and (more…)
The large number of judgeship vacancies on the federal bench is one of the reasons why less civil ca (more…)
This is another in a long string of cases where the Supreme Court has placed new restrictions on sen (more…)
The chief judge of New York State is seeking to completely overhaul the juvenile justice system to f (more…)
Obviously, this situation is unacceptable. But is it unique to San Francisco? According to at least (more…)
In criminal plea plea bargaining, defendants are almost always at a disadvantage against the more po (more…)