Spring Break and Sexual Assaults: An Inevitable Trend
Spring Break and Sexual Assaults: An Inevitable Trend
Three people have been arrested in relation to a gang rape occurring in Panama City, FL during sprin (more…)
Three people have been arrested in relation to a gang rape occurring in Panama City, FL during sprin (more…)
Some studies suggest that, by eliminating legal access to alcohol for people aged 18-20 (when many y (more…)
The reason California has been cracking down on medical marijuana dispensaries is because under the (more…)
Holiday parties tend to focus on particular religious celebrations, which could be fertile grounds f (more…)
Now, in order for police to search your vehicle without a warrant, a suspect must either be 1) under (more…)
Of all these drunk driving myths, this one seems to hold the most weight. It turns out that studies (more…)
Other than drug possession, there might not be a bigger criminal defense field than drunk driving at (more…)
The state of Illinois will become the 4th state to require ignition interlock devices in the cars of (more…)